Monday, May 7, 2012

Networking for the ages

Having lunch the other day with one of my nurse practitioner classmates, we were discussing nurse practitioner and nursing groups.  We both agreed after spending our first year out of school and trying to be active in our organizations, we need a group we can apprecate.  Where are all the young nurse practitioners?  We went to numerous dinners and society meetings, but the members were mostly comprised of our grandmothers.  Ultimately, our goals for nursing rights and nurse practitioner scopes of practice are the same, but there is a significant difference in opinions on how to achieve those goals.

Just like when I was a new nurse, there is this wall up between new graduates and seasoned practitioners.  There should be a network of newbies who can help guide each other, but still be connected to some seasoners who know what they are doing.  There are so many questions...Should I try to start up my own practice, where are the good reasonable doctors, who is willing to train, any good conferences out there, where did you learn how to do that???

I would be interested in joining a group of relatively new nurse practitioners with experience of less than five years.  I think that it would be a great opportunity to get together and discuss trials and tribulations, stumbles and falls and find out who is mentoring them.  Perhaps this smaller "sub group" of newer graduates could piggy back to some meetings with more seasoned nurse practitioners and we could network together.  We love you, Granny, but we never could fully relate.


  1. Oh come now! Not all of the seasoned NPs are ancient. I will be 45 and I just cracked my 5th year as a FNP. There are a lot of reasons why we are mostly older NPs. We had to put our feet in the trenches (in the hospitals) and raise children before we could go back to school. We should support everyone in our profession.

  2. I'm surprised that it took this long to get a response! I was trying to spark some interest here, and I thought...nothing. There is a real lack of support between the ages here where I live (and by the way, I don't think that 45 is old). I was talking blue haired and polyester. I appreciate that we are trying to raise families and balance work and school, but the season era I have encountered have been standoffish to sauté very least. Just wondering if there were any suggestions that I haven't come across to find good support. Sorry if there were people that I offended.

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